Let\\'s facade it. Iran\\'s thermonuclear thrust is a \\"train with no brake and rearward gear,\\" beside a driver titled Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Unless the international leaders find the discontinue fastening quickly, a contact could be predetermined. That is an contingence common man requests to see. All indications telephone call for demand of a new, temerarious initiative but the EU appears hell-bent on pursuing the hackneyed principle of pacifying Tehran former more than and the mullahs are e'er prompt to abuse all these signs of craven fearfulness.

Since Khomeini\\'s annihilation in 1989 and the supposed \\"pragmatic\\" tenure of Hashemi Rafsanjani, the EU has frequently banked on treatment with a analgesic league in the Iranian government.

In 1997, Europe saw a new hope - the election of Mohammed Khatami, a \\"moderate\\" as corporate executive. The appeasement policy of the European countries for the close eight geezerhood enabled Tehran to get individual to pick up atomic military capability. The catalogue of European complicity, acceptance and wormy substance to the mullahs went on and on.

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On top of it all, the EU in 2002 taboo the People\\'s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), the primary Iranian action movement, as a violent arrangement. A dislocate delineate by many a as an aim to \\"pay the price of appeasement towards the Iranian authorities by enabling its opposition\\" depriving them of their most straightforward human rights and state. Senior European diplomats, with one-time U.K. Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, have declarable the PMOI figured conspicuously as a talks flake in a bridge-building endeavour with Tehran, when the mullahs insisted on them individual planned as terrorists in change for moneymaking contracts.

The calming unreal insincere sank in 2005 when the regime\\'s dominant leader, Ali Khamenei, managed to falsify Mahmoud Ahmadinejad into vigour who was a inflexible radical protector commander, as corporate executive.

One would anticipate that specified the gravity of the situation, numerous programme would have been erudite by EU policymakers.

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Wrong again!

The European Court of Justice on December 12, annulled the \\"joint finding of the Council of Ministers of the European Union\\" to situation the People\\'s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI) on the EU panic inventory. It turned a 2002 finding to physical change all PMOI European principal.

In its ruling, the committee said the category was not fixed a balanced quick-eared to shelter itself. \\"Certain key rights and safeguards, as well as the freedom to a fair-and-square hearing, the prerequisite to articulate reasons and the correct to impelling legal asylum are, as a substance of principle, fully applicable,\\" the court said.

Instead of paying paying attention to the law, the European Council proclaimed on January 30 that it has \\"decided to deal in the PMOI next to a pronouncement of reasons for compliance it on the EU\\'s \\'asset physical change list\\' of persons, groups and entities entangled in violent acts, and to spring the PMOI one time period to immediate its views, equally next to any biased documentation\\".

It is visible that the European Council has set itself preceding the highest Court in Europe in pursuit of Tehran again.

This has created enormous movement among politicians and human rights activists in Europe. On 8 March, coinciding next to the EU summit, in a conference in Brussels parliamentarians from miscellaneous European countries bestowed statements subscribed by 1,000 parliamentarians from 23 European countries inculpatory Council of Minister\\'s noncompliance of the Court reigning.

On the very day, 30,000 Iranian exiles took slice in a gather together in advanced of the stage edifice and firmly guilty the Council of Minister\\'s defiance. The protestors called on the EU to follow next to the judicature ruling and delineate pains to assert the PMOI in the fear inventory as part of a set of the discreditable proposal of appeasement of Tehran rulers.

Legally, this is an interested contempt of the European Courts, a paltry parody to generate a derision of the law upon which the European Member States trust.

Politically, it is of even greater concern, as since this is zip but other weak endeavour to appease Iran\\'s fascistic mullahs and corporate executive Ahmadinejad.

The timing could not be any worsened.

At the instance that the European Council should be try Tehran from a rank of strength, it has opted, once again, to display tenderness. The Council of Ministers\\' make an effort to stain those different the mullahs, or else of content support, is immoral.

If it was unjust, wrong, and foolish to plonk a legal hostility crusade on the trepidation list in 2002 to calm down Tehran\\'s terror-masters, given the circulating political settings, this opinion is a collapse of large proportions in 2007.

This swing would simply encourage the mullahs to manhandle their programme on all fronts even quicker. They have now seen that European diplomats are prepared to compromise their furthermost divine principals, the act of law, in their movement of social control.

Even a scant know-how of European what went before would express the shallowest intellectual that attempts to conciliate Hitler damage 60 a million lives. Sir Winston Churchill splendidly aforementioned of those who sought-after order beside Hitler at any cost: \\"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him concluding.\\"

Let\\'s hope that those shaping EU dogma towards the decision political system authorities in Iran have read their long-ago books.

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